About Us


The Victorian HPV Grand Prix Series is brought to you by the Casey Cardinia HPV & Cycling Club,  in a 4 race series where primary, secondary and community teams alike race Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) with varying race distances across the state.

For any details please contact: vichpvsecretary@gmail.com

2024 Series

We will be running a 4 race series from March through to October.

Round 1: Casey Fields on the 2nd of March which will be a 10am-4pm 6 hour event

Round 2: Calder Park on the 4th of May will also be a 9am-4pm 7 hour event

Round 3: Sandown on the 27th of July will be a 9am-4pm 7 hour event

Round 4: Casey Fields on the 19th of October will be a final 9am-5pm 8 hour event.

The specifications book will be under the team managers tab for 2023.

And the entry link is https://form.jotform.com/240078090429860.

If you want anymore information please email us on vichpvsecretary@gmail.com

Victorian Human Powered Grand Prix Series